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Friday, August 29, 2014

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to this sweet girl.

Rules, Rules, Rules!

What would the first week of school be without learning lots and lots of rules.
We finished the week reading the NO! DAVID! books.
We made a NO / YES list of appropriate things to do at school.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Red Day

Our first full day was Red Day.  We sang songs about the color red, read a poem and circled all the red words, made a class red book.
Red made us happy :)

What color is your favorite flavor?

We introduced learning how to read and spell color words by reading a story called George the Gingerbread Man.
George changes to different flavors.  So we ate different flavors of jelly beans and graphed our favorite color.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Run Run as Fast as You Can!!!

We started the first week of school learning where to find the office, nurse, Spanish room, Music room, counselor, and library by having a gingerbread man hunt.

When we found the gingerbread man we used the Aurasma App to hoofer over the gingerbread man and then a picture would appear telling us where he had run off to. 
 Finally what we have all been waiting for ... Yum Yum!!
 We read lots and lots of different Gingerbread Man books.
And we made a Gingerbread Man.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

I'm Ready

Can't wait to get to know my new students.
I can not believe this starts my 25th year of teaching. 
I am just as excited as the first year.

Dr. Ryan comes to visit

On Friday while teachers were getting ready for the first day of school the School District Superintendent, Dr. Ryan came to visit so we snapped a quick picture.  It was so fun having him take an interest in what was happening on our campus.