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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Old Fashion Reading

We have a read to self time every day.  Sometimes  we read with our browsing boxes.  These are emergent readers I use to teach them how to read.  Most of the time we read with our ipads on Raz Kids because they are books right at their reading level. Raz Kids also allows them to listen to a book, then read the book then answer comprehension questions. 
Well today the internet was down and we could not access Raz Kids.  They were hilarious.  They loved reading in their browsing box.  I guess it had been awhile since we read from their boxes.  

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Brain Break

They love our Brain Break Time.  Today we danced to
"The Gummy Bear" Song.  LOL.

Making Words

We love using the Magnetic Letters App to make words.
We are able to develop our phonemic awareness
skills by making words. I tell them about 7 letters to put at the top of their screen.  Then we move the letters and sounds around to make words.  At the very end they make a mystery word using all the letters.  Today's mystery word was Kittens.

 I am able to use my ipad to project on the board
so they are able to follow me and learn by doing.

Community Helpers Research

This week we are learning about Community Helpers.
Each student picked a different Community Helper.  They used their ipad to listen to a book about their Community Helper.  They wrote down information about what their Community Helper does and what tools they need to do their job.  Then I helped them put a picture of their Community Helper on their ipad and they created a ChatterKid.  They did an amazing job.
You can go see your child's project in their google drive account.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Raz Kids

Here the students are reading to self using Raz Kids.  The books they read are on their instructional level. 
They are able to listen to the book, record their read the book and answer questions about the book. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

-it Family Words

Today we used Cheez-It Crackers to learn -it family words.
 It is hard to see but the crackers had letters on them.
So they all took an i and t and made words like sit, hit, mit and kit.
They had a blast and got to eat the crackers.

K Kind of Big Deal

We love our new Kindergarten Shirts.  Not everybody wore their shirt today.  Let's try again next week and I will try to take a better picture.  LOL!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Around the World at Bear Creek

Today we grabbed our boarding passes and our passport and flew to Around the World at Bear Creek.
We went to India, France, Brazil, Egypt and England.
We had a blast.

Special Thanks to all the parents who gave their time and knowledge to spark our students.

90th Day of School

I can not believe I am putting this picture on here. 
But it is our last Zero the Hero Day.
This has absolutely been a very effective way to teach the children counting by 10's and counting to 100.
Every 10 days Zero the Hero came to visit us.
We would work to discover ways to make the new zero number.
Every 10 days on Zero the Hero Day
I would bring them a zero treat.
They keep telling me (hinting to me) that donuts look like a zero.
So today I brought them donuts.
They were so excited.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Learning about Dr. Martin Luther King!

I introduce the work of Dr. Martin Luther King by showing the students a brown egg and a white egg.  We talk about how they are different colors on the outside but he same on the inside.
Then we read a book about Dr.  King.  This topic is very interesting to this age student.  They want everyone to be treated the same and always have lots of questions. 
Good Stuff!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy Birthday Gavin! Happy Birthday Layla!

We had two birthdays this week.
Happy Birthday Gavin!

Happy Birthday, Layla!